Course Description and Outline

CPD 140: Statistics 101: Math Literacy for Real Estate Professionals

Pre-requisite: this course is an introduction to statistics and computer applications in real estate and has no prior studies required. However, a basic familiarity with simple statistics will be helpful.

The goal of this course is to help real estate professionals learn some of the basic statistics that can be used to improve real estate valuation analysis. The course introduces the statistics of interest, outlining their meaning, their interpretation, how they are used in practice, as well as their underlying mathematical basis. The course then goes on to demonstrate how computer software such as Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS can be used to easily calculate the statistics presented.

This course is written for a multi-disciplinary audience. The primary audience is real estate professionals involved in property valuation, but the course is intended to be general enough to be applicable for anyone dealing with real property, including developers, investors, government officials, and the general public.


FOREWORD: Introduction to Professional Development Courses

LESSON 1: Statistical Foundations for Real Estate Analysis

  • Instructor's Comments   
  • Introduction to Statistics and Simple Data Description What are Statistics?
  • Pictorial Data Description
  • Univariate Data Descriptive Measures
  • Measures of Dispersion
  • Multivariate Data Analysis Defined
  • Conclusion
  • Review and Discussion Questions

LESSON 2: Statistical Software Applications for Real Estate Analysis

  • Instructor's Comments   
  • Software and Database Orientation
  • Computing Basic Statistics
  • Summary
  • Review and Discussion Questions

AFTERWORD: The Final Quiz

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